Saturday, January 12, 2008

As Seen On TV!!

I am now the proud owner of a Craft Lite Cutter! As seen on tv!! This is a craft trimmer whose main selling point is the light beneath the cutting rail, so you can see exactly where the cut line is going to happen on your paper or photo or whatever. The first time we saw an ad for this (in true infomercial style, the ad depicts crafters using crappy cutter after crappy cutter, shredding paper and cutting in the wrong places, and then they break out the miraculous Craft Lite Cutter and never mess up a scrapbooking project again!), Rob got ALL excited and said, "Honey, we should get one of those!" And I was all, "Um, I have several perfectly wonderful Creative Memories cutters and there's no way in hell I would spend $19.95 on something with a LIGHT along the cutting rail, because I am not stupid enough to cut a photo in the wrong place. I fail to see what the big deal is." And Rob proceeded to look all kind of wounded and hurt and then I felt like a really bad fiancee, but he kind of laughed and we moved on with our lives.

Then, last night, I had this particular group of girlfriends over who I used to work with in my first insurance office; we get together once a month for dinner, and every December we have a Christmas gift exchange and dinner at someone's house. This year we had issues doing this in the month of December, so it was last night. And the very first gift I opened was from Leslie, who is kind of an odd woman (sorry, Leslie, but you are, odd yet loveable) and has been known to buy everyone fuzzy hangers and things of that nature. But this particular gift was a Craft Lite Cutter! And the way she had wrapped it, the first thing I opened was a small box containing six blades, which looked pretty cool, and then I opened the box containing the cutter itself, which came with a bunch more blades, and I gotta tell you, it actually looks like a pretty awesome cutter! One of the blades is a perforator, which I think I can come up with a lot of uses for. But what's hilarious is how EXCITED I got about it! I held it up to Rob (who got stuck at our Girl's Night Out through no fault of his own) and said, "Look, honey, it's the Craft Lite Cutter!" He looked a little confused, as he is sometimes does, probably because the last time the words "Craft Lite Cutter" had been used in this house, I mocked the whole thing pretty ruthlessly.

But I did get all excited, especially about the perforating blade. The light feature, I can probably take or leave, but I'll see how life-changing it is when I break it out later on to check the cutting power of this thing. I have to reserve judgment till I see how quality the blade is; the ads tout the blades as being all fabulous and wonderful, so we'll see. What else is nice is that it seems that the base of the cutter is about 15 inches, which will be perfect for working with 12-inch scrapbooking paper. I can envision making some cool borders with the different blades. I will never cut my photos with anything other than a straight edge blade, because that just makes the photos look completely hideous.

I've actually never owned anything "as seen on tv" before, so this a big moment for me. I'll let you know how it goes.


Georgias Maximus, Feline Esq. said...

Preserve the video so you can review what all your gizmo should be able to do... ;-> As for the light, reserve judgment until your vision starts to fade; then see how much you appreciate extra illumination in just the right places... arf arf...

As Seen On TV - gotta love it. :->

Anonymous said...

I got one too and I love it, simple thing, but makes for a lot of projects easier. Nice report on your experience with as seen on tv. I find most of the stuff you can by to be decent.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ for products sold at As Seen On TV store, if you have a problem with something you buy, they do not replace or give your money. So you can kiss your money good buy . . . JUNK!!!!

Ms Mac

Unknown said...

I just bought a perforating blade for my Fiskars guillotine because it seems like such a neat gadget, but now I am looking for ideas on what to do with it! Did you come up with any? My kids' suggestions include: making paper towels and toilet paper smaller, making tickets so I can enter their bedrooms...