This picture cracks me up because Daniel is SO serious while the guy in the armoury was just making a goofy face. It has to be said, Daniel doesn't mess about when it comes to the purchase of a new sword and shield. The Ren Fest is no time for frivolity -- there are dragons to be slain and people to charm and fake tattoos to be painted... I gotta tell you, the expression in this photo is one of my favorite Daniel faces. Because Daniel is really not serious at all, if you know him. He's so funny and fun-loving. So it kills me when he gets into character and makes this serious face. And look at those eyes. Please. Can you resist those eyes??
Daniel's shield critter looks like it's holding the same pose as Daniel in the picture below - kindred spirits?
Indeed. Well spotted.
spots? i see no spots? what are you talking about? ;->
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