At my church on Easter Sunday, we do this thing called the Flowering of the Cross. They started this back in like 1977; we started going there in 1979; so they've been doing it as long as I can remember. What happens is that all the children are asked to bring flowers to church on Easter, and then during the service, they come forward and place their flowers in the cross, and when it's all covered in flowers, it's hoisted up over the altar. It's always very beautiful, whatever one's thoughts on religion, God, Christ, or otherwise may be. It reminds me every year that this is really what life -- and Easter -- is all about -- this unbroken circle in which we resurrect ourselves over and over by passing down traditions to our children, who will pass them down to theirs, and so on. It's an amazing feeling to look into the faces of the children watching the cross go up and see how fascinated they are by its beauty -- toddlers and preschoolers and kids and tweens and teenagers, and all the adults who love them, taking a moment to literally stop and smell the flowers, to stop and share a simple moment of beauty that if we're lucky, we can carry in our hearts during darker days to remind us that it's not always going to hurt.

I like the picture of everyone looking up at the cross - you know they're all totally holding their breath as the two old guys at the front hoist it into place, just hoping it's not going to fall or get off kilter and hit the wall or something. It's the most tense moment of the year at church. Of course, I don't think there have ever been any mishaps, but still...
Do you folks also sing, "Lift High the Cross" while this is going on?
P.S. Daniel looks smaller than usual in that first shot of the two of you at the Easter Egg Hunt; why is that?
Funnily enough, we DO sing "Lift High the Cross" while this is going on. How'd you guess...
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